To be a backseat driver idiom
To be a backseat driver idiom

to be a backseat driver idiom

"Backseat driver" is literally the Bond One-Liner when he ejects the bad guy! Bond escapes the arms bazaar at the beginning by flying a fighter jet out, only to have a terrorist in the backseat try to strangle him.Played with thrice in Tomorrow Never Dies:.Thor: Yes, thank you for the commentary, Loki! It's not at all distracting! Thor: Is that so? Of the two of us which one can actually fly? Loki: Look, why don't you let me take over, I'm clearly the best pilot. Loki: Don't hit the buttons, press them gently. Thor: The Dark World: Loki, of all people, is this to Thor:.Serious example: Taken 2 has Bryan guiding his daughter Kim as he both checks the GPS on directions to the US Embassy and fires some shots at times.As Spock continues to give McCoy advice, the Doctor exclaims, "Damn backseat driver!", causing Spock to shut up about the piloting. McCoy, who has some experience piloting one, grabs the controls that are slightly above the main compartment, while Spock is busy with the communications equipment in the forward area. In Star Trek Beyond, Spock and McCoy hijack one of Krall's drone ships.A plane varient in Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, where Polly and Joe argue on the best route through town during rush hour.For pretty much all of his screen time, all he does is heap demands on Fry, bitch when she tries to take any action, and generally be an unhelpful noisemaker during an emergency.

to be a backseat driver idiom

  • Pitch Black gives us "co-pilot" Owens.
  • Comedy example: The Naked Gun has Frank entering a vehicle asking them to Follow That Car.

    She bellows "We're the ones in the Imperial and we're in last place?" Later, she continues barking orders to different drivers in different vehicles. It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World - Milton Berle's character has his mother-in law (Ethel Merman) taking this role to heart in a race to buried treasure.Independence Day has the space ship variant where Jeff Goldblum constantly shouts orders to Will Smith who tells him not to be a "side-seat driver".Driving Miss Daisy - Daisy starts off like this because she is angry about needing a chauffeur.Turns out they're really driving the car from the backseat. Quite literally in Cannonball Run 2 when two of the characters participating go in a car with a very visible driver seat that has a orangutan suppose chauffeuring them.In Broadcast News, Jane gives specific, practically turn-by-turn directions to cabbies on a regular basis as part of her "need to be in control at all times" -ness.

    To be a backseat driver idiom